
Monday, 20 May 2013

How to Study Math


  1. Learn all of the basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts by memory. Failure to learn the basic facts properly will make advanced math impossible.
  2. Learn Mathematical Definitions (vocabulary). Have your teacher restate (and/or explain) the words you don’t understand. Even if your current teacher doesn’t use the terminology often, you can be certain that other teachers will.
    • Four Squared, Four Cubed, Factor of Four, Four Factorial all have different meanings. Knowing the definitions will make solving them easier.
  3. Try to anticipate the assignment of math problems by your teacher. This may seem like extra work, but it will be an advantage.
    1. Work on all of the problems (odd and even) from your textbook before they are assigned.
  • Some teachers always assign the even questions, so the students can’t cheat. Some teachers always assign odd questions, so the students can correct their own work. Some teachers assign one set of problems for homework, and use the others for tests!

  • Ask the teacher for help for any problems troubling you, even problems that were not assigned. Remember, you are trying to learn. Problems that are unassigned often end up on tests. And the extra difficult problems give you a chance to earn extra credit.
  • When the teacher discusses the subject (probably before assigning the problems), ask questions that may occur to you (because of the work you have already done.) This is the most useful aspect of doing the work early: All of the other students are thinking, "HUH?" while you are thinking about a specific question you need answered.

  • Some college mathematical professors teach their classes entirely by answering questions from the students. The students are expected to come to class having completed some of the work.
  • Another benefit of completing work early (including extra work) is that if you need to turn something in late, your teacher will know that you are not trying to take advantage of his/her goodwill and will “give you a break”.

  • If there is a sample problem in your book, or an example problem, work through it yourself, and use the sample in your book to guide you.
  • Identify your errors. Discovering your own errors is the best way not to repeat them.
  • Don't go on in your book until you have learned the material completely. Math builds upon itself.
    • A math book is like a novel, it doesn’t make sense unless you start at the beginning.
  • Neatly complete your work. Endeavor to make all of your numbers look the same way every time. The more complex the math, the more neatness counts.
  • Form a study group. When one person in the group has a problem, others can help.
    • Do not let anyone in the group COPY OR CHEAT! Copying will be discovered eventually, one way or another. Besides, why would you wish someone else to get credit for your work?
    1. use it as much as possible in life


  • The best thing you can do when studying unfamiliar math is to leave a paper trail. Take the extra time to make your handwriting look nice, and when you’re having trouble, try not to skip steps. If you really want your math to look good, use rulers for your straight lines and fraction bars. It’s much easier to study or retrace your own work when it is written out clearly.
  • Don’t worry if you feel like you don’t understand something immediately. This might be a good thing, and can stretch your mind. You might have to live with a problem, or a step in a proof, or even a definition, for a few days or a week before your mind can absorb it and grasp it. Stop working on it, do something else, and go back to it later. Stay with it, but in intervals. Look at other descriptions or similar problems in other books for ideas.
  • If you are fuzzy about something that the book expects you to know before you read it, and the book does not review it, or review it in enough depth so that you are not fuzzy, you should look that up, and learn it first.
  • If you’re learning an odd theorem or property, make up and write down some examples that satisfy the preconditions, and see if you can find the results yourself. This will allow you to get the properties “under your fingers.” This is especially useful in abstract algebra and number theory.
  • Use all of your senses and sensations to learn Math and fix it in your mind. Write things out(uses visual brain and kinesthetic brain). Say definitions and theorems out loud(uses your auditory brain).
  • If you need to study for long periods, take breaks at regular intervals for a set amount of time.


  • Don’t be too hard on yourself. Realize that many have struggled with the same areas you are learning. Some people just take longer to understand math. Eventually, with enough, perseverance, you can succeed in math.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help from someone who has been doing math for a long time or is further along.
  • please if your a child first learn the basics than you can high-leveled math.
  • Do not push self too far on maths it if you do your mind will be confused.

Things You’ll Need

  • notebooks
  • pencils
  • mathbooks
  • blue and black pen

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